What is a Water Softener Plant and Why it’s important?

What is a Water Softener Plant and Why it’s important?

Though industries and manufacturing units recycle used water by removing metal waste and other effluents from contaminated water, there might be a need for something more. To soften the hard water, a Water Softener Plant is a great solution.

Did you know that calcium and magnesium minerals cause hardness in water? Be it industrial water or household water, hard water treatment is done using an ion-exchange technique to soften the water. This mineral build-up on plumbing creates a nuisance and inconvenience since a soapy residue is generated in the water which makes it difficult to clean the pipes or water heaters.

In this blog, we are going to explain what a Water Softener Plant is and how it works.

What is a Water Softener Plant?

A water softener is an appliance that uses sodium chloride to remove positively charged calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+) ions from water. There are 3 types of water softener plants; automatic, semi-automatic, and manual.

The appliance works as a filtration system where the polystyrene spherical resin beads are charged with sodium ions with a negative charge. Since the calcium and magnesium ions are positively charged, these ions get attracted to the negatively charged sodium ions whenever the hard water passes from the resin beads. These ions are stuck with each other and soft water is released out.

Every water softener plant is made up of different components such as a mineral tank, control valve, and brine tank. The mineral tank possesses resin beads and performs filtration. The control valve is used to measure the amount of water filtered in the mineral tank. The brine tank is used to restore the resin beads positively charged to keep the process going for the long term.

Benefits of a Water Softener Plant

Saves cost

When mixed with heat, hard water minerals cause buildup in your pipes and appliances making it difficult to pass the water from pipes. The cost of repairing the pipes and water heaters can be saved by using a high-quality Water Softener Plant. Untreated hard water can also stop the machine’s works causing a huge cost.

It prevents health risks related to skin

Though there are no major health risks associated with hard water, it can potentially damage your hair and make the skin lifeless or rough while bathing or showering. The soft water helps your skin to pick up and holds moisture easier. Also, soft water helps in balancing hair’s pH level making it stronger than before.

Increases the life of water appliances

The hard water causes insoluble soap scum or curd and pipe clogs. Such reactions are harmful since they can permanently damage highly expensive machines and equipment. Soft water plants remove all the bad minerals from the water making it soft, where soaps are fully dissolved and penetrated.


A well-designed, well-developed, and high-technology water softener plant is always beneficial for households to companies. It also prevents hard water to enter the end and damage the health of animals. To treat your company’s hard water, make sure you hire an experienced and reliable service provider. Green Solution is one of the best service providers for water softener plants in Pune. Their skilled employees not only help you develop an efficient water softener plant but also assists you with further process.

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