7 Factors to Consider While Hiring AMC for Water Treatment Plants

7 Factors to Consider While Hiring AMC for Water Treatment Plants

Be it large-scale manufacturing factories or small residential societies, every sector produces water waste. Which is why almost every sector requires AMC for Water Treatment Plants. According to the Water Pollution Act, 1974, any sector producing water pollution is required to treat that pollution with the help of wastewater treatment plants. Companies also require to get the processes monitored every year and get the respective AMC certification.

It is recommended to hire professional help with AMC for water treatment plants since it will save the company valuable time and effort. But the question is, how to find the right AMC services? In this blog, we are going to help you select a professional AMC for Water Treatment Plants.

Here Are Factors To Consider While Hiring Professional AMC for Water Treatment Plants:

1. Experienced:

Since building a water treatment plant is a crucial task, it requires a lot of expertise and experience. While outsourcing the water treatment plant building, make sure the vendor possesses years of experience in the sector.

2. Wide range of projects delivered:

If you are looking for services for your residential buildings and the vendor has years of experience in dealing with factory water treatment plants and AMC services, then it might not be a good option. Experience in dealing with a variety of sectors is equally important since every sector has diverse requirements.

3. A plethora of water treatment options:

Another vital factor to consider is to check whether the vendor is offering a plethora of water treatment options like Wastewater Treatment, Sewage Treatment Plant, Effluent Treatment Plant, Water Treatment, Water Softeners, Annual, Maintenance Contracts, Customer Service, Operations and Maintenance, RO Plant, DM Plant, Revamping, and Consultancy Services.

4. Sustainable technology:

The major reason companies hire professional AMC for Water Treatment Plants is they have an integrated system of sustainable technology that helps companies achieve pollution-free processes.

5. In good terms with the legal departments:

AMC services carry out multiple services including legal consents and certification. Make sure the AMC services are on good terms with legal departments for smoother processes.

6. R&D:

A good AMC for Water Treatment Plants should have a dedicated department for R&D. This department is responsible for various tests like; Physical tests where Colour, TSS, Turbidity, Oil, and Grease, in the wastewater is tested. Chemical tests where pH, TDS, Cl, SO4, COD, BOD, Fe, and all heavy metals are tested. And Bacteriological tests where MPN, eColi, etc are tested.

7. Customer service:

One of the most vital factors is the customer service offered by the vendor. The ultimate objective of every AMC for WTP is to reduce the tedious work of companies and offer one stop solution for all their wastewater problems. Hence, considering excellent customer service is a must while selecting Annual Maintenance Contract Services for WTP.


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