Everything You Need to Know about MPCB

Everything You Need to Know about MPCB

The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) implements various environmental laws/legislations in the State of Maharashtra.

As so many factories and industrial businesses include the necessity to follow legalities of the state involving environmental aspects, knowing about the Maharashtra pollution control board, it’s functioning, the establishment and the legalities of the MPCB becomes all the more crucial.

This blog will uncover all you need to know about MPCB such as:

  • When was MPCB established?
  • The functions MPCB performs
  • Structure of MPCB
  • Legal matters
  • Support of Green Solution to Business Owners with MPCB Services
  • MPCB consent categories
  • Why Choose us for MPCB services?

Establishment of the MPCB

Maharashtra Pollution Control Board came into place on the 7th of September in 1970 under the written term/provision of Maharashtra Prevention of Water Pollution Act in 1969 and Air (Prevention and control of pollution) act, while under some of the other provisions such as Biomedical Waste Rules, Hazardous Waste Rules, Municipal Solid Waste Rules, etc.

It is important to note that the MPCB functions under the administrative control of the Environment Department of Government of Maharashtra.

Functions of the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board

  • They design and plan extensive programs that are involved in the prevention, control or decrease pollution and then execute them efficiently.
  • Find essential information regarding pollution and control of it as well as how to decrease it in a proper way.
  • Inspect sewage and water facilities as well as air pollution systems and review plans and any other data, that is a part of the consent granted and so forth.
  • Support initiatives and developments that take place such as eco-friendly practices, recycle and reuse activities as well as pollution awareness and control.
  • Work in educating and spreading awareness to entrepreneurs regarding pollution control technologies and techniques.
  • Creation of public awareness about keeping a clean and healthy surrounding/environment and looking after any public complaints that come from the public regarding pollution or waste.

Structure of MPCB

MPCB functions under the Administrative Control of Environment Department within the Government of Maharashtra.

Here is the detailed organizational structure of MPCB showcasing various departments and administrative designations of the board:

Structure of MPCB

Legalities of Maharashtra Pollution Control Board

One needs to obtain a NOC from the Pollution Control Board which mainly is about setting up a business or factory without the intention of causing any harm to the environment or other human beings.

So, what are the types of NOC required by business owners?

1. Consent to Establish (CTE)

It is the first and most privacy level of permission that an industrial/manufacturing business requires from the pollution control department ensuring that all levels of pollution aspects are followed under the Pollution Act.

2. Consent to Operate (CTO)

This is the secondary level of permission that is required from the Pollution Control Board to make sure that the business follows all rules when it comes to pollution such as water, air or noise while running any industrial operation.

If an Industrial unit satisfies certain important conditions, it is exempt from obtaining permission from the Pollution control board. These conditions are as follows:

  • The Industry is already established in the “Demarcated Industrial Estates”.
  • The industry does not have more than 1 crore Rs on Plant and Machinery.
  • The industry does not have more than Rs 2 Crore on Machinery for Hosiery Items.
  • The industry will not/does not discharge any air pollution including noise into the atmosphere.
  • The industry will not/does not discharge any hazardous/toxic waste into the water stream and cause water pollution.

Support of Green Solution to Business Owners with MPCB Services

Controlling and preventing pollution has become the need of the hour and here pollution control solutions play a vital role. Our experts help businesses to establish and obtain a non-objection certificate from the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board.

We create sustainable value for customers and assist in planning right and smart at an affordable cost so that the legal processes happen smoothly.

MPCB consent categories

There are primarily 4 categories of MPCB consent: Red, Orange, Green, and White; classified on the basis of pollution index score.

  • Red- Industrial sectors having pollution index score of 60 and above
  • Orange- Industrial sectors having pollution index score of 41 to 59
  • Green- Industrial sectors having pollution index score of 21 to 40
  • White- Industrial sectors having pollution index score upto 20

To learn about what different industries fall under which category, follow our next post.

Why GreenSolution?

We fulfil all your legal and regulatory requirements and also provide regular updates with your business needs. Whether it’s legal queries or getting done with legal processes/getting the permission of the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board, our experienced representatives are just a call away!

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